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Our Commitment to Privacy and Security

This information below is specific to the SVC website and online newsletters.

Your rights to privacy

SVC complies with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic), which regulates the collection, storage, quality, use and disclosure of personal information.

Information that in some way identifies you may be gathered when you use our website or send us an email.


Information collected from web browsing

When you view this website, we collect the following information:

  • your IP (internet protocol) address or host name eg. or xxx.yyy.com.au
  • the date and time you visited the website
  • the pages or documents you attempted to view or download, and whether those pages or documents were displayed
  • the web browser and operating system you are using
  • the previous site you visited, if you reached our website by clicking on a link
  • whether you have previously visited our website (only if you accept cookies).

Information collected from online forms and services

When you submit a form on this website, or provide information as part of using an online service, we collect information from this activity. This information may include personal and organisational details such as your full name, phone number, business name, email address and street address.

Clicking on the ‘submit’ button on the form acts as your consent for SVC to collect the information you have provided.

Information collected from email

If you send us an email, we will record your email address for the purpose of responding to you.


Information collected from web browsing is used to identify patterns of usage of this website. This will help us to improve our website and the electronic services offered on it.

Information collected from forms, newsletters and email will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it. We will not use it for any other purpose, nor will we disclose it, unless with your consent or in other circumstances where such use or disclosure is permitted under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic).

Your personal information (including your email address) will not be sold or otherwise transferred to a third party for commercial purposes.


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